About Ethiopia
Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is a vast and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. Its borders connect it to Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Kenya, providing strategic trade opportunities. The landscape features the majestic Abyssinian highlands in the north, grasslands in the west, deserts in the east, and beautiful Rift Valley Lakes in the south. The central plateau boasts mountains reaching over 4,000 meters, with Ras Dashen as the highest peak. Ethiopia is not only a land of breathtaking landscapes but also a place where ancient civilizations have left their mark through historical sites such as Lalibela, Axum, and Aksum. The country's cultural diversity and warm hospitality make it an enticing destination for exploration and immersion.

Quick facts
Largest country in Africa
Most populous country in Africa
Below the sea level lowest pt.
The highest pt.. Ras Dashan
Ethiopia is a diverse country with a population of 110.14 million. It is characterized by a blend of Middle Eastern and African cultures, reflected in its religious, ethnic, and linguistic makeup. The majority of the population consists of Amhara and Oromo peoples, comprising about 60% of the total. Around 85% of Ethiopians live in rural areas, and the annual population growth rate is approximately 3.09%. The economically active age group is around 50% of the population. Ethiopia is a Federal Democratic Republic composed of 9 National Regional States and two administrative councils, further divided into 62 zones and 523 woredas.
Why is Ethiopia attracting foreign investors?
Greater social responsibility
Ethiopia is working towards greater openness and democratic process. Since 2018, a number of measures have been taken which manifested in terms of reconciliation both domestically and peace abroad. The rapprochement with Eritrea on a border dispute that lasted for two decades is an asset for Ethiopia’s continued stability.
Privatization of state-owned enterprises
State-owned enterprises such as railway projects, sugar development plants, industrial parks, hotels, Ethiopian Airlines, Ethio-Telecom, electricity generation projects and the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise are on the pipeline to be partially and fully privatized.
Access to cheap and renewable energy
Ethiopia is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources and has a potential to generate over 60,000 megawatts (MW) of electric power from hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal sources. Currently Ethiopia is among few countries that provide electric power for companies with cheaper price.
Ethiopia is building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) which has the capacity of producing 45,000 MW of electric power. The Dam has the potential of lifting millions of Ethiopians out of poverty and raising the standard of living. It will further connect Ethiopia with its neighbors laying the ground for regional economic integration. (Updated December 2020)
Youth Job Opportunity
Among its115 million populations, more than 70% of them are under the age of 30 while 50% are under the age of 15.
The government policy of 70:30 in higher education which is training 70% of students in technology and science, and 30% in social science and humanities, helped to produce skilled manpower for the growing manufacturing sector in the country.
Strategic location between Asia and Europe
Ethiopia is the gateway to the Middle East, Europe and Asia. In this regard, Ethiopian Airlines is playing a pivotal role connecting Africa with the rest of the world. The country is also the seat of the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in addition to the more than 100 foreign embassies.
Ethiopia is in the +3 hours GMT time zone. It is worth bearing in mind, however, that in addition to this Ethiopia also has its own time. This is based on the conception that the Ethiopian day is constituted of roughly 12 hours of daylight, starting at 6.00am and roughly 12 hours of darkness, starting at 6.00pm. So, 7.00am is 1.00am Ethiopian time. Urban Ethiopians often use both systems as appropriate. Nevertheless, in general, when asking about dates and times, it is always worth checking which system is being used!
There are two seasons in Ethiopia: in most of the country the dry season prevails from October until May with short rains in March; the wet season runs from June until the end of September. In the Omo and Mago parks, however, in Southern Ethiopia, the seasons are different with the main rains from March to June, and shorter rains in November.
Although Ethiopia lies within 15 degrees north of the equator, owing to the moderating influence of high altitude, the central highlands, where most Ethiopian people live, generally enjoy a temperate and pleasant climate. In the highlands above 2,000 meters, the temperature rarely exceeds 25°C in most of the country. In the lower-lying areas (Awash, Omo and Mago parks), which experience sub-tropical and tropical climates, it can get considerably hotter. The temperature generally drops quite rapidly towards sunset.

Ethiopia, covering 114 million square kilometers, is comparable in size to France and Spain combined, and five times larger than the UK. It is strategically located in the Horn of Africa, offering easy access to major ports and proximity to the Middle East and Europe, bolstering international trade. The Abyssinian highlands stretch from north to south, with the land descending to Sudan's grasslands in the west and the deserts of Afar in the east. South of Addis Ababa, the Rift Valley Lakes dominate the landscape. Ethiopia shares borders with Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Kenya.